*** LogicWorks 5 for Windows - 2003-12-15 *** This note contains general information on how to get support and assistance on LogicWorks 5 IMPORTANT: FREE UPDATES!!! After installation, you should check our web site at www.logicworks5.com for a free update patch to the latest version. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Installation Support is available through the Pearson Higher Education Media Product Assistance Hotline at: Tel: 1-800-677-6337 M-F (8:00AM to 5:00PM CST) Fax: 847-486-2595 email: media.support@pearsoned.com For technical issues regarding program operation, contact your instructor or teaching assistant, or check the on-line help available on the LogicWorks On-line Support Page at: http://www.logicworks5.com FREE UPGRADES, HELP, AND SUPPORT ON-LINE! Our LogicWorks Web Site is available for your use at: http://www.logicworks5.com The site is being constantly expanded and gives you instant access to the latest version patches, FAQs, extra symbol libraries, optional add-ons, etc. Check back regularly, or sign up for our mailing list to be notified automatically when new stuff becomes available. CHANGES IN VERSION 5, RELATIVE TO 4 - VHDL: LogicWorks now allows you to create simulation models using a subset of the VHDL hardware description language. Please note that some parts of the language are not implemented in this version, so some VHDL models created on other systems may not run in LogicWorks without modification. A separate ReadMe file provided with the package provides more information on the specific limitations in this version. - Simulation values of signals can now be displayed directly on the schematic diagram as the simulation progresses. - All simulation values now use real time units, e.g. nanoseconds. - IOPnael tool allows you to display and modify simulation values and creae custom display panels for your models. - Many improvements to the symbol editor tool, including the ability to automatically display pin names with each pin. - TestPanel module allows you to specify a program of input values to apply to a circuit under test and compare the results to the expected values. - Many small new features and improvements.